Being collapse aware is isolating, exhausting, and sometimes overwhelming. It can render other things in life we used to enjoy meaningless. My advice is simple, try to live in the moment as much as possible. We dwell too much on the past and worry too much about the future. Accept those that can't see or embrace reality as you can, and love them for who they are. Do your work when it's cathartic, do some heart pumping exercise when it gets you down. Seeing more than others is heavy, but you're not alone. This space proves it. BTW, the cartoon is perfect.

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Thanks for this, Jan. I've spent my working life as a psychiatrist/psychotherapist/addictionist/stress researcher/recovered alcoholic-addict, so I am all too familiar with "The Abyss" and spent a lifetime studying it. The journey is summarized in the free online e-book PDF, "Stress R Us", hosted by the Stanford e-library. Key point is that our situation was studied in the middle of the century by animal crowding researchers (Calhoun, Southwick, Christian, etc.) and Hans Selye, et.al., who documented the overactive stress response and its role in population regulation and stress diseases.

All of our misery originates in too many humans using too many natural resources and producing too much pollution, including GHGs and global heating. Voluntary population reduction (one child families or foregoing reproduction, which PEW says 47% of Americans 18-50 are pledging to do) is the only hope for survivors, fewer as they must be, if any are to survive, unless you're a billionaire with a nuclear hardened refuge.

Sure, the truth hurts, but for us lifelong truth seekers the greatest reward is in knowing the truth. Thanks for your courageous efforts and know that you are not alone, nor am I. Have a blessed afternoon. Gregg

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Hi Jan, I do not have anything more insightful and / or encouraging to say than Geoffrey and Greeley have here but to say 'thank you'. I love to read what you write because it feels so genuine and from the heart and soul but I am patient and will wait until you feel ready for it. Take best care of yourself Jan and everyone here on this journey.

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Thank you Karina, I really appreciate it. Best wishes.

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Jan, if I may say, as long as you have finishing this series as an objective, you will not accept it. It will certainly take you longer. Check out my last article, One Year of Substack. I didn’t wait for the right moment nor did I have another objective. I have accepted it and do not care now. Take care and be strong!

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