I very much appreciate your writing and ideas. They resonate with many of the insights I’ve arrived at, in my own intellectual “descent(?)” during these past years.

I sympathize with your postscript……Keep writing. There are connections being made through these forums. There are minds being opened (how many? Enough? In time?)

Whatever. Nobody really knows what the hell is going on, anyways……keep writing.

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I think that the vote for Trump is quite obviously a subconscious desire to watch the system burn. The fact that the best America had on offer were those two candidates and that Kamala lost to Trump says a lot. They are manifestations of a culture and civilization in steep decline, but more than that - Trump, in my opinion, was an incredibly successful psyop. He was a controlled opposition put there to act as the strongman that patriots would get behind to go to war with Iran or whatever boogeyman overseas. This election cycle was probably the most successful in making people believe their vote matters. It put nearly the entire country fully to sleep, everyone focusing on Trump, while the true enemies stayed hidden at the Fed Reserve and BIS. The hypnosis has allowed the military-industrial complex to continue its globalization games of resource grabs, USD hegemony, and government overthrow. Kamala isn't perceived as strong enough to play those bullshit games, so they let the Zionist Trump win.

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